by MrsEneroDiaries | Aug 16, 2019 | #MrsEneroFinds, #PressRelease, EAT!, LOVE!
In line with its years of providing great times and great memories, Shakey’s , the leading casual dining restaurant in the country, is hosting its very own “ Color Fun Run” on August 31,2019. More than a restaurant that serves fun and pizza, Shakey’s recognizes the...
by MrsEneroDiaries | Jun 4, 2019 | #EnerosKitchen, #MrsEneroFinds, #PressRelease, EAT!, LOVE!
Whether you’re a first-time mom enjoying the wonders of having your first baby, or an experienced parent knowledgeable in the ins and outs of parenthood, there’s no doubt that we would always give the best for our babies. Babies deserve nothing but the best, which is...
by MrsEneroDiaries | May 4, 2019 | #BloggerMail, #MrsEneroFinds, EAT!, LOVE!
Worm infestation is very common health problem. Worms are everywhere, they can be found from soil, contaminated food, water, utensils, to human and animal feces and pet fur. They can be ingested from unwashed hands, breathed in, or enter through the skin. I can still...
by MrsEneroDiaries | Apr 1, 2019 | #ELfoodspotting, #PressRelease, EAT!
Jack ‘n Jill Cream-O will kick-off the summer fun with yet another Cream-O Flix Fest. Now on its third year, Cream-O Flix Fest once again invites all Cream-Oholics to another exciting outdoor cinema experience. Themed “Collect Happiness”, Cream-O Flix Fest will...
by MrsEneroDiaries | Mar 25, 2019 | #MrsEneroFinds, #PressRelease, EAT!, LOVE!
The country has been facing the rise on the number of underweight and overweight Filipinos for more than 20 years. The World Health Organization (WHO) defined this phenomenon as the “Double Burden of Malnutrition” or the “prevalence of both undernutrition and...
by MrsEneroDiaries | Mar 13, 2019 | #BloggerMail, #EnerosKitchen, #EnerosOnTheRoad, #MrsEneroFinds, EAT!, LOVE!
Plastic straws are currently on my No List, we have been working to eliminate most plastics in our home. Yes to reusable straws, my husband and I were using reusable straws during our travel or even just when going out to the mall. And recently, I have been glad that...