Motherhood today is embraced by eyes that hold various forms, shapes and sizes.Understanding that each motherhood journey is distinctly unique from others pose an essentialrole in helping them thrive in each path they are on. As a brand that advocates for the universallove and acceptance for mothers, this Mother’s Day campaign by Eden cheese breaksboundaries as the Mondelez Philippines brand launched their bold new film entitled,‘Unconditional,’ directed by Carlos Palanca-Awardee, Antoinette Jadaone, during theirFacebook event: Eden Speaks – A Mother’s Day Forum.

“Eden cheese is a brand that has been celebrating moms from all walks of life, and their role inbringing families together for the last 36 years. This Mother’s Day, we wanted to shed light on asilent reality in the Philippines, and how important unconditional love and parental support playsin fostering acceptance and empathy for each unique motherhood experience. We want toempower and unite moms to share their personal stories about their own journey, and toshowcase how we are one with them in embracing all flavors of motherhood, even in the mostdifficult of situations,” said Kristine Enriquez, Eden Cheese Marketing Manager. “We believethat by uniting moms from different walks of life, all flavors of mothers can be inspired by thedifferent savor worthy ways to bring the family together.”
The event, hosted by Issa Litton, was graced by special guest speakers such as BettinnaCarlos-Eduardo, a Mompreneur, content creator, and author; Techie Dy, Consultant of RMT-Cefam, Ateneo, and is a PhD Candidate of Clinical Psychology from the University of thePhilippines; and Kristine Enriquez, Eden Cheese Marketing Manager. For the past fourdecades, Eden has been a trusted ally of moms for providing delicious meals for her and herfamily. The event cements the brand’s commitment to being their ally in all aspects and facets ofher life. For Eden, this translates to empowering the diverse Filipino motherhood journeys, notjust single moms, through celebrating their unique and evolving roles amidst today’s ever-changing world.
During the event, Bettinna Carlos-Eduardo shared, “There were times when Gummy wasgrowing up, that I felt it was all just me. I am to work and I am to watch after her, which is the lifemindset of a typical single mom. The load lightened when I found my source of personalsalvation and started to have a community of other parents. Of course I still had my mom andgrandmother who would look after Gummy when I had to work. But inevitably there were severaloverwhelming situations that would make me ask myself – ‘how am I going to do all these thingsalone?’ There’s only 24hrs in a day and yet a gazillion things to so! Life didn’t come with amanual for parenting, especially for solo parents. And 11years ago there were no videos onYouTube or much resources available online to help navigate through this. That would havemade the road an easier one to travel. “
Bettina was a single mom for a decade, but recently ‘graduated’ from the status and is marriedfor five months now. “Motherhood did not really change when I married. It still has its set of challenges that evolve as Gummy matures. My faith as seen me through all those years and it isjust a blessing to have a physical partner now to share the load and the journey. This Mother‘sDay, I celebrate both my current season and former shaping years. I look back at 10 years ofthe most gratifying years of my life I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world. I appreciate howEden is so courageous to speak up about and open this conversation acknowledging the manychallenges of solo parents that people don’t often talk about. Just as there are many savorworthy ways to bond with your family by cooking in the kitchen with Eden, there are also manyways to showcase support for different kinds of moms in the simplest way we know how,” she added.
The event culminated with an exclusive preview of the Eden Mother’s Day film by multi-awardwinning director, Antoinette Jadaone. The film sheds light on the plight of this group of momsthat may lack support, which is a topic often not discussed, but is quite familiar to us all and isimportant as it plays an integral role in nurturing the light of our homes. The film emboldens howunconditional love and acceptance empowers single moms, and moms from all walks of life.This Mother’s Day and beyond, the brand aims to unite moms and support them, so they can create many savor-worthy moments to nurture stronger family connection.
To know more, visit and check out #EdenSpeaksPH.
Mrs.Enero – Angel Enero is a former IT System Administrator and now a full-time SAHM to her #littleEneros. She’s a domesticated / hands-on mom who loves baking and gardening.
MRSENERODIARIES blog is an online diary of Angel Enero. Formerly a travel blogger and now a lifestyle mommy blogger. Blogging about EAT. PRAY. LOVE. TRAVEL.
Wow nice blogs mommy thanks for sharing
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