Our current situation brought stress and anxiety to most people. And if you’re feeling stress or exhausted, always remember that you are not alone. Remember that what we need in times like this is to stay calm and positive. I easily get depressed at times, but I am learning how to cope with negativity.
So, how do I am staying positive during this pandemic? I focus on what really matters – my family. I also stay connected with my friends and extended family via online. I love how the Internet became useful, especially in times like this. My kids can easily be connected to their grandparents via Facebook video calls. I also have “mom breaks”, wherein I am taking moments to work on favorites like gardening, cooking new recipes, reading a few chapters of a book or blogging and vlogging.

A month ago, I have learned about the I Am Band bracelet. I was amazed as I Am Band bracelet claims that it can stop bad luck, anxiety and negativity. It was produced with guidance from spiritual healers from different parts of the world. I have also read reviews from I Am Band users that physical ailments actually stop and overall health is improved by wearing the I Am Band day and night. So I give it try!

I’ve been wearing my I Am Band bracelet for a month now. And upon wearing it on my first few weeks, I have felt the calmness effect on me. I have noticed that I don’t get to stress out easily. I’m a stay-at-home mom and I must admit, I absolutely get exhausted on my daily routine, especially now that we are on a pandemic crisis. I I never removed it since day 1, and it really reminds me to stay calm. It indeed creates positive energy to move your life forward in the right direction. It is made with 100% real silver, and I love how it looks so trendy too.
To know more about the I AM Band bracelet : Follow I Am Band on Facebook , Instagram and Twitter. I am Band bracelet is available on Shopee, Lazada and Shopify.

How are you dealingwith the pandemic stress? I hope you’re doing great. Let us all stay positive and healthy!
Mrs.Enero – Angel Enero is a former IT System Administrator and now a full-time SAHM to her #littleEneros. She’s a domesticated / hands-on mom who loves baking and gardening.
MRSENERODIARIES blog is an online diary of Angel Enero. Formerly a travel blogger and now a lifestyle mommy blogger. Blogging about EAT. PRAY. LOVE. TRAVEL.
So nice to learn your I Am Band is sending you positive vibes.