When I became a mother,  I became selfless – I only think of what I can buy for my daughter. Instagram became my happy pill, I love discovering new stuffs and products for my daughter. Yes! I got addicted to online shopping, because it is more convenient for me. And just recently, I have found this Milestone Blanket. It was love at first sight – a life saver for every mommies who loves taking flat lays on weekly, monthly or even yearly milestone celebration on their child.


Why Milestone Blanket is MrsEnero Approved?

  • It brings out your creativity.  What’s the use of Milestone Blanket? You can just lay your baby on the Milestone Blanket, put some toys or anything that suited for your monthly celebration, put down the cake and tadahh… Instant #flatlay! For Instagram mama like me, I just wish I have learned about this before Eliana was born. I love taking pictures and celebrating significant moments of my child. And I think. All mother do.
  • Personalized. YES! If you’re one of my readers, you know how I love personalized/customized products. You can add your baby/toddler’s name on it. And name printing is FREE.

My two-year old daughter and her little ponies

  • Multi-purpose blanket. Aside from it’s main purpose, it can also be an ordinary baby or toddler blankets. For expectant moms,  it can be used as a wall backdrop for your pregnancy baby bump growth. Very convenient right? As for my daughter? Instant play mat, she loves playing on it and even counting the numbers, became an educational play mats too. hehe!
  • Safe for babies. The fabric used is especially made for babies. They use high-quality performance knit  on top and a soft velour at the bottom and professionally serge edges.

Happy Eliana

They say when you have kids that the days are long but the years are fast. We, millennial  moms are so lucky  that there are so many platforms and features now that we can use to easily document our child’s growth and milestones. Let us all have fun and enjoy this whole parenting journey.

For more inquiries : Follow Once Upon A Milestone on Instagram.

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