by MrsEneroDiaries | Sep 22, 2018 | #MrsEneroApproved, #MrsEneroFinds, LOVE!
This is it! The time is almost here to meet #littleEnero2. One thing I do feel ready and prepared for is my hospital bag. As I entered my third trimester with Eliana, I remember asking my OB and checking the Internet to see what should be going into my hospital bag....
by MrsEneroDiaries | Sep 4, 2018 | #MrsEneroFinds, #PressRelease, EAT!, LOVE!
Sharing this article written by Nutritionist Mary Jude Icasiano : How to have a smart baby: three simple things you can do for your child’s brain development during pregnancy As an expectant mom, you want the best for your baby. That is why you do everything you can...